Sunday 30 October 2011

speaker robot

I created this design for the speaker robot. This design was a development of the silhouettes I had created previously. I decided to put the speaker on the arm. I think at the moment it looks like a bell so that will have to be changed.

here I began to texture the robot. Originally I was going to leave it at this stage which is why parts are not finished to the same standard but I started to like the look of the textured areas so I continued to build up detail on the rest of the body. I applied a gradient as a multiply layer in two shades of brown. If this was not here then the robot would be grey.

one benefit of using a multiply layer for the gradient means I can change the colour easily. Here are some quick tests to see what the robot would look like in different colours.

This is the finished concept without its arm. I will have to create the seeker robot before i can design the arm because they will connect to each other. I am thinking of either creating a cord or chain that joins them.

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