Saturday 15 October 2011

Group meeting 2

We had a second meeting using Skype. We have recorded all of these meetings and I will be adding all of these to this blog.

During this discussion we decided what games to look at for research. We decided to research two games/films each to use as inspiration for the game concept. At this point I decided to look at 'Machinarium' and 'Oddworld'.

We have now thought of several different concepts for characters including the protagonist which has been a hazy idea from the beginning. All the characters including the playable character will be robots which seem damaged or have the appearance of 'quick fixes' such as a robot with a damaged arm was not repaired with a shiny new arm but a screw for example. This will add to the theme that has been decided for the environment.

The new character ideas;

Main character; (still unnamed)

The protagonist will look like a young robot but still look weathered, abused, slightly broken. The reason we wanted it to look young is so the character seems vulnerable often during the game when he faces the enemies. The ways of getting through the level will often consist of outsmarting the enemy not facing them head on and killing hem all. If the hero was much bigger than the enemies then the player would get the impression you could run in guns blazing and expect to kill all that stands in their way which will not be the case.

enemy robots: (all temporary names)

Wall robot;

The wall robot will be a large angular robot, much bigger than the main character. Its primary function will be to block off areas when the the player sets off an alarm. These robots will line up in a row to create a barrier.  They will also be positioned around the environment to stop the player walking into restricted areas.

Flying robot;

The flying robot will fly over the level with a large flashlight attached to its head. The light will shine wherever the robot i looking. This will act as a searchlight. If the player walks into the light from the robot  the alarm will sound.

Infantry robot;

These robots will enter the level when the player sets off an alarm. They are the robots which will shoot at the player on sight. They carry large projectile weapons. If the player faces these robots face on the hero will die. These robots will be dressed in a uniform to show their rank above the other robots.

Seeker and speaker;

the seeker robot is small and has a lightbulb above its head. This robot can see but cannot hear. Following this robot is the speaker. The speaker can hear but cannot see. The idea behind these robots is if they are separated then they are useless. The speaker is the only one that can set off the alarm. If the seeker sees the main character then it will tell the speaker to set off the alarm. If the speaker is on its own it cannot see the main character and will not set off the alarm.


The scout is a robot that is used to follow trails if there is suspicion. For example if the main character is shot, oil will drip from him and leave a path that the player took. The scout will follow this path until it leads to the player or stops. When it finds the player it will sound the alarm.

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