Friday 14 October 2011

First meeting/presentation

After deciding to work in a group we had a meeting to discover what we all wanted from the project and to settle on a concept.

after a long discussion we decided to create a game concept that could be made for several different platforms, such as a 'triple a' or 'iPad/iphone'. The basic idea that we started with was an environment concept that consisted of an industrial decay. We all agreed that from a design side we could make some original designs. From this we started thinking of how this theme could relate to game play. I thought it was an interesting idea to show the mechanics of how things work, for example there could be a hole in the wall and inside there would be cogs slowly turning, or pistons visible on a car to she how it moves. This could relate tot he gameplay by the character solving problems by understanding the mechanics of the world.

After having a grasp on a basic direction that we wished to go when considering the theme we decided to focus on the presentation that we were to create for the following week. We all created a slide each saying why we chose this idea and the reasons why we wanted to work in a group and, collaborated on two two slides which contained reference photos for inspiration and the basic concept for us all to explain to the group.

It was decided that I would come up with a basic background for the presentation. I created this with a basic paper texture and some silhouettes of cogs to relate tot he theme we have thus far.

We found a website called dropbox which has become  great tool considering group work. Anyone can add an image or file onto a folder online and the rest of the group can access it on their own computer. This is great if we collaborate on a piece. Often I will use it to show the others a piece I am working on and get feedback from them to improve it. After uploading this file onto dropbox Ollie had an idea to improve the background and developed this image;

created by Ollie Hoff

I agreed this was a better piece than my own and decided to use it in the presentation. I was given everyones text for the presentation and created the document, deciding on the font, layout etc.

The presentation;

The presentation was received well but we all realised that compared to other peoples concepts we needed a better understanding of what the game play would be like and the concepts would develop from that.

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