Wednesday 19 October 2011

reflection on group work

I have noticed several differences in a group project compared to working on my own. This is a large gamble to work in a group for my final year of my degree because I have never worked with these two students before.

One thing which is harder when working in a group is creating ideas. The benefit of this is that when we come to a decision with an idea then we know everything about it because we have been pitching it to each other. The negative however is that everything takes longer. On my own I would create an idea for a character and produce sketches for it. When I'm happy with this stage I would create a final image. In a group I would first pitch the idea to the other members then we would discuss elements that we liked and disliked. I would then change these parts to create a better design for the group and have them critique it again. Then I would produce a final piece and have the group look at this and make several changes again. This is a lengthy process compared to working on my own, however this is a more realistic process when considering how the industry works and I will end up with a stronger portfolio at the end of the project because I am forced to critique my work more often and I have the resource of peers looking at my work constantly which is a huge benefit.

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